Brad Bell

Confirmed Epic Podcast #50: Suicide Squad

Confirmed Epic Podcast #50: Suicide Squad

[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /] In episode 50 of the Confirmed...

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Gladiator HULK to SMASH Thor Ragnarok

Gladiator HULK to SMASH Thor Ragnarok

Back in 2013 when I ran my own site daily, I reported on a rumor that Marvel Studios may have possibly had plans for a Planet Hulk film that never came to fruition.  Six years later at SDCC 2016, it is good to get some vindication for that hunch....

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Iron Man is Doomed in “Infamous Iron Man” this Fall

Iron Man is Doomed in “Infamous Iron Man” this Fall

It appears that Riri Williams will not be the only new shell head in the Marvel Comics Universe this Fall, none other than Victor Von Doom will dawn the Iconic armor in the Infamous Iron Man as part of the Marvel NOW! publishing initiative.  Infamous Iron Man will be...

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