Bully Wars #1

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Bully Wars #1
Image Comics

Words by: Skottie Young
Art by: Aaron Conley
Colors By: Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Letters by: Nate Piekos of Blambot

Bullies everywhere! Welcome to Rottenville, home of the most bullies per capita than any other town. It’s the start of the new year and boy, are there fresh meat aplenty! That is if you’re a bully and nerds are your breakfast.

Bully Wars is about Rufus, who is- surprise! A bully, and his favorite target of 8 years, Spencer. The issue is about how they experienced the first day in high school. Things don’t go as smoothly on the first day for them but we do see that everything is leading up to the Bully Wars.

Young and Conley work well together in setting up the base for the series. Conley’s art works perfectly in this setting as it feels natural to the story. Each character has his own unique look and even background characters get this treatment. His art has a similar aesthetic to Young’s and it helps keep the feel of Young’s previous works.

Young brings a clever story to the table in Bully Wars. He incorporates bullying into the store and does not glorify it. This is creative storytelling that Young has developed and has trust in Conley’s art to use it as a tool and but not to embrace it.

Overall Bully Wars is a good issue with a lot of potential. Like many of Young’s Image book, it might be a miniseries. If so I am looking forward to how crazy it will get.

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