The GWW Comic Book Gift Guide — 2021

Dec 2, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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There’s never been a better time to be a comic book fan, be it new or old. But while Marvel and DC receive a lot of the attention because of their big screen and television presence, there’s so much more out there. In an effort to help you this holiday season, GWW’s comic book team put together a list of comic book recommendations for new and old readers.

For gift ideas outside of comics, check out The Ultimate GWW Gift Guide — 2021. And for weekly comic book recommendations, check out GWW Radio‘s TLDR Comic Book Club podcast, which also features interviews with some of the biggest names in the industry.



Fall in love with superheroes thanks to X-Men: The Animated Series in the ‘90s? Looking for another story with those characters ahead of X-Men ‘97? Or maybe you never watched the show and want to know what all the fuss is about? Look no further. Chris Sims and Chad Powers pay great respect to the show, as the two have their own stories set in the same universe. Of course, Alti Firmansyah’s art style gives this story a similar vibe, visually, to the show. — Nick Friar | X-Men ’92 Vol. 1 – $15.99

King in Black TPB

Comic book events aren’t exactly what they used to be. But, there have been a couple well worth readers’ valuable time. King in Black is absolutely one of them. Centered around the character Donny Cates wrote so well, this story pushes Venom and so many other members of the Marvel universe to the brink. More importantly, Marvel fans get introduced to a villain who could absolutely enter the MCU mix down the line. Nick Friar | King in Black – $24.99

Wolverine Vol. 1 TPB (by Benjamin Percy and Adam Kubert)

Whoever you’re buying this gift for, make sure to include a note about X Lives of Wolverine and X Deaths of Wolverine, the former of which hit shelves on Jan. 19. Percy told GWW’s TLDR a while back he wants to write the greatest Wolverine story ever. the first volume of Percy’s Wolverine is a great indicator of how well he taps into a character beloved by many. Nick Friar | Wolverine Vol. 1 – $17.99

For more on Wolverine, check out TLDR’s conversation with Percy on GWW Radio!

DC Comics


Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s last ride at DC. Does anything else need to be said? This pair was tasked with resetting things at DC — well, there’s a bit more to that, but you’ll have to read to find out. If you like dire consequences with legacy characters that actually carry weight, this is the book for you. Not to mention, there’s nonstop action, and Capullo creates some of the most insane designs for characters everyone has come to know well, either through comics or the big screen. Perfect for readers who took a break from DC Comics and thinking about getting back in or someone looking to read comics for the first time. Also a great display piece for longtime DC fans. — Nick Friar | Dark Nights: Death Metal – $29.99

Batman: Curse of the White Knight TPB

The second chapter of Sean Murphy’s DC Black Label series, Bruce Wayne’s feet have been put to the fire. Not only has the public turned against him, but he also faces a sever loss and a brutal truth he was unaware of. There’s also a Harley Quinn story that spins out of this series, and the third chapter of Murphy’s Batman story is coming soon. Nick Friar | Batman: Curse of the White Knight – $24.99

For more on DC’s epic Death Metal event, be sure to listen to the conversation GWW Radio’s TLDR had with series writer Scott Snyder.

Image Comics


The first 50 issues of this quintessential series were what my husband’s hidden teenage heart needed this year. The first Spawn Compendium is just that – the first 50 issues of the groundbreaking series. The quality is just what you’d hope for from an Image product. This compendium is a book for a reader or a collector, though; I can’t imagine being able to accomplish both due to the sheer magnitude of this book and how much you’ll want to flip through the pages. The rich, saturated color palette will have you soaking up every gory detail of the story. — Heather E Houston | Spawn Compendium Volume 1 – $59.99

Shadecraft Vol. 1 TPB

Shadecraft is easily one of the best stories of 2021. There’s a reason it got picked up for a TV Series by Netflix already! You know how so many supernatural stories are compared to Buffy now a days, but none quite have that *spark* that Buffy did? Shadecraft has that spark and more! It’s the perfect mix of supernatural action, goofy humor, and quality family storytelling. The art is out of this world and we already know we can look forward to more Shadecraft in the future, so if you like this story, it doesn’t stop here! I’d recommend this to any teen or young adult in your life the most, but this is something that older adults can enjoy too!  Lauren Smith | Shadecraft Vol. 1 – $16.99

Home Vol. 1 TPB

Home Vol. 1 is a deeply moving debut story from Julio Anta and Anna Wieszczyk. This is the story of a Guatemalan family seeking asylum to rejoin family in the US, delivered with compassion that makes it a seriously compelling, hard-to-put-down read. It has heroes, villains, and even superhuman feats, but no spoilers here! Home brings beautiful artistic detail, many emotionally engaging moments, alongside great examples of the political weaponizing of language used to discuss migration in recent years. This TP also features a truly noteworthy educator guide from Anta and Re-Imagining Migration, that is enlightening for anyone. There is good reason this is a serious page-turner. Give this book the attention it richly deserves. — TaraLovesNoir | Home Vol. 1 TPB – $16.99

Killadelphia Vol. 1

A great read for anyone who likes horror comics. Vampires, dead presidents and ancient gods — not to mention, sheer chaos. Series artist Jason Sean Alexander is right in his comfort zone with Killadelphia, which is scary. And this world is only growing more and more. Nita Hawes’ Nightmare Blog hit shelves this fall, and series writer Rodney Barnes has even more up his sleeve. Nick Friar | Killadelphia Vol. 1 – $9.99

Radiant Black Vol. 1

People are always looking for “the next big thing” in any industry. Well in comics, that’s Radiant Black. Kyle Higgins is just getting started with this ongoing series, which has Power Rangers vibes — a series he dominated. New readers will get caught up in Marcelo Costa’s amazing artwork, only. to be caught completely off guard by the twists and turns Higgins has in store. Nick Friar | Radiant Black Vol. 1 – $9.99

For more on what Kyle Higgins and Rodney Barnes have in store — as well as other Image Comics creators, like Sean Lewis and Chip Zdarsky — check out their conversations with GWW Radio’s TLDR.

BOOM! Studios


Lumberjanes is one of the best young adult comic series I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading! Do you know someone in your life who is a huge goofball, who might feel like an outsider, that needs to be reminded how wonderful their uniqueness is? This is the gift for them! Lumberjanes focuses on 5 friends who have to survive summer camp together, in between chaos, wholesome adventures, and supernatural creatures! If you know someone who loves shows like Gravity Falls and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, they’ll enjoy this one! I recommend this to anyone 13 or older. — Lauren Smith | Lumberjanes Volume 1 – $14.99

Mighty Morphin Vol. 1 & Power Rangers Vol. 1

BOOM Studios has been doing really well with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team for a while. Kyle Higgins and Ryan Parrott’s Shattered Grid event was monumental, and now Parrott is doing some more amazing work with these two titles. These two series are in the midst of another amazing event — and the groundwork for was laid in the first arc of each series. Nick Friar | Mighty Morphin Vol. 1 – $16.99 | Power Rangers Vol. 1 – $16.99

AWA Studios / Upshot Studios


With the holidays fast approaching and in search of the perfect gift, Geeks Worldwide has you covered. For the comic obsessed or even those who are just getting into comics, there is a bevy of books that make for great gifts. One suggestion would be The Resistance from AWA/Upshot studios. A superhero universe set in the 21st century that has it all — great storytelling, tremendous art, conspiracy, action, and drama. With a virus wiping out half the population, and with half of those surviving becoming endowed with superpowers — The Resistance will surely rope in any comic book reader. In addition to The Resistance, there is Resistance: Reborns, The Resistance: Uprising, Moths, E-Ratic, and Knighted which are all in the same universe. Lots of great titles with lots of entertainment to be had.

While the premise of this superhero story revolves around a virus wiping out half the population, it is without a doubt a page-turner that will pull in any comic book fan. — Dr. Joseph Gilmore | The Resistance – $9.99

Hotell TPB

AWA’s bread and butter is short series, making it easy for new readers to give the brand a chance. For those who are into horror comics, Hotell is how you should get to know AWA. This series is terrifying. And Hotell was so successful that it got a second series, which began this month. Just make sure whoever you give this to can sleep with the lights on. Because they won’t be able to turn them off after reading the first issue. Nick Friar | Hotell – $9.79

For more on AWA Studios, check out TLDR’s conversation with AWA’s CCO, and former Marvel EIC, Axel Alonso.

Titan Comics


Historical fiction drags for me at times; however, Minky Woodcock doesn’t drag for a second! This is a brilliant fictional story that revolves around real facts. Nikola Tesla was in love with a pigeon? Edison was actually a cruel person? Donald Trump’s uncle was a scientist recruited by the FBI? Yes, yes, and yes! If you never knew these things, you will learn this and more in this amazing graphic novel. It’s well-paced and beautifully drawn! Cynthia Von Buhler created, drew, and wrote it! How wild is that? There is mature content in this, so I would recommend this to any adult in your life. If you missed out on the first volume, not to fear, I recommend that one as well! — Lauren Smith | Minky Woodcock Volume 2 – $24.99


Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation

Octavia Butler’s powerful prose meets graphic adaptation? Yes, please. Dana, a young Black writer from the 1970s, suddenly time-travels to pre-Civil War Maryland in this sci-fi classic. Dana must learn why she is traveling, and how to handle her profoundly different life as a Black woman in her known present, and in this mysterious past. She soon finds her actions are crucial to her safety, and her very existence back home. Dana then grasps why she is pulled to this time and place. This story has lived rent-free in my head for over 20 years. I have yet to regret a moment spent on any version. I believe anyone who enjoys a thought provoking read would appreciate this adaptation. — TaraLovesNoir | Octavia Butler’s Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation – $12.99

Whether you’re just getting started with comics, a grizzled veteran or somewhere in between, be sure to check out GWW Radio‘s TLDR. GWW comic book reviewers Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar talk about each week’s new comics and collected editions you have to pick up. Sometimes, they even interview the biggest names in the comic book industry. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or SoundCloud.