How to Bhop in Valorant 2022

Mar 25, 2022

Bunny hopping is of great importance in Apex Legends and some FPS games, especially in Counter Strike. Furthermore, this adventure started with CS 1.6 at first. The aim is to pass a certain part of the map with the maximum speed that the game can offer you.

In fact, bunny hopping is known as an exploit in games like Valorant and CSGO. However, this bug is not accepted in some productions such as Call of Duty, while CSGO and Valorant own it.

In today’s article, we will talk about how you can do bunny hopping in Valorant. In the same way, we will share with you why it is important in the details of our article. Now if you’re ready, let’s take a quick look at the details of our guide.

What Exactly Is Bunny Hopping?

As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, Bhop is actually a simple exploit. Valorant, on the other hand, has a bhop style similar to CSGO. In short, the movement where you try to pass any distance in a short time by accelerating is called Bhop. In CSGO, you can cross most of the map with Bhop in a matter of seconds. But in Valorant, the situation is not that easy. And the distance you can go by doing Bhop will not be as long as in CSGO, think of it like Valorant. with expert boosting.

Bhop in Valorant is often wondered by those who want to play games like professionals. However, we first recommend learn the game’s meta to players. Then it will be easier for you to learn Bhop. Still, bunny hopping is definitely a skill to be learned in Valorant. It is so effective in some in-game scenarios that it can even cause you to win rounds.

Before we get into the bunny hopping mechanics in Valorant, we need to learn exactly how it works. Bunny hopping is about gaining acceleration and movement speed by jumping into the air. If you think that each character has a speed limit in Valorant, Bhop stands out for this reason. To be able to Bhop successfully, especially in competitive matches, you need to constantly practice and be patient.

How to Make Valorant Bhop?

If you’ve been watching Valorant Esports matches then you’ve probably seen most professional players Bhop. Bhop is generally a valuable skill for making strategic moves at critical moments in the game or simply moving from point A to B. 

If you’re already watching the matches, why not also bet at them and use your knowledge at your advantage. If that intrigues you, continue to Thunderpick to get started.

Now let’s go back to our topic and take a detailed look at the Bhop tactics.

Learning the Strafe Skill

The most critical word in our Valorant Bhop guide is “Strafe“. Because the main mechanic of Bhop is Strafe. To Strafe, you have to jump forward by running and then swing yourself to the right or left. While swinging your character in the air, you must press the A and D keys by moving in the direction you are going. To put it more simply, follow these steps:

  • Strafing LEFT: After running and jumping as usual, hold down the A key and move your mouse to the left.
  • Strafing RIGHT: Conversely, while holding down the D key, you must direct your mouse to the right side where you want to move.

Backwards Bhop

Bhop backwards is extremely difficult and incredibly tricky. In contrast to the classic Strafe, you start running backwards with the S.

  • LEFT: Jump while running backwards with S and move your mouse RIGHT while pressing A.
  • RIGHT: Jump while moving backwards and move your mouse LEFT while holding down the D key.

Sideways Bhop

Another tricky Strafe method is the Sideways Bhop. It’s really hard and you can do it by starting running with the A or D keys.

  • Left: For this, hold down the S key while running sideways and move the mouse to the right.
  • Right: Conversely, hold down the W key and move your mouse to the Left. That’s all.

If you’ve noticed so far, the main mechanic of doing Bhop is being able to Strafe in the air. After jumping with your character, you have to jump again as soon as you touch the ground. In short, if you want to Bhop skillfully in Valorant, your keys should look like this;

“Jump – Strafe Left – Jump – Strafe Right – Repeat”

You can see the Bhop practice for beginners by watching the video below.

Also, like professional players, you can check out our article on what you will need to be included in the Esports industry in addition to Bhop.

Why is Bhop Necessary for Valorant?

First of all, we would like to remind you again that, unlike CSGO, you cannot jump long distances by doing Bhop in Valorant. If you try to do this, you will make a big mistake. And when you should be going fast, you’re constantly slowing down more and more.

Bhop Valorant is of great importance for two important factors. These factors are:

  1. Let’s say you are at the target point of your opponent at a strategic point. And there is a possibility that they will shoot you as soon as you show yourself. You will probably die if you walk straight to make a quick transition to the safe zone. By Bhoping instead, you can make it harder for your opponent to aim and reach the safe zone faster than you should.
  2. The second important factor is perhaps a situation that will turn the game completely in your favor. As you know, Valorant has crowd control abilities such as Sage’s ‘Slow Orb’, Brimstone’s ‘Incendiary’ and of course Phoenix’s ‘Hot Hands’. Bunny hopping is vital to avoid such crowd-control abilities when entering enemy territory. You can seriously speed up by Bhop, which means you’ll suffer less damage and slowdown.

Final Words

In today’s article, we talked about the tactics of making Bhop in Valorant. We tried to convey various ways to you, from the simplest to the most difficult methods. We also talked about the Bhop skills of professional Esports players in our article. Therefore, pro players are constantly improving themselves and discovering new methods.

Finally, you may be looking for a different article about Valorant. For this, we invite you to read our article called Valorant vs Apex Legends