Ice Cream Man # 22 (REVIEW)

Dec 22, 2020


Mad Cave Studios


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Ice Cream Man # 22 Cover

Normally, what I can expect from an issue of Image Comics Ice Cream Man is either creepiness or commentary: a surreal sickeningly look into the mindset of members of society. However, Issue # 22 presents the creepy Candyman’s take on What Child is This that I found enjoyably engaging.

Ice Cream Man # 22 : Advent Calendar

Image Comics

Written by: W. Maxwell Prince
Art by: Martin Morazzo
Colors by: Chris O’Halloran
Lettering by: Good Old Neon

This month’s treat indulges in a story of Julie a young woman who soon learns she is pregnant. The image of a young woman with an unexpected pregnancy is something I’ve seen before during the “Holiday” season, or should I say Christmas. Looking into the way Julie struggles and how everyone chooses to express themselves this time of year are intermingled stories. How each person chooses to experience this season, this journey is truly unique. However, this wouldn’t be an issue of Ice Cream Man without the additional sinister elements. However, compared to previous entries the frightening nature of this comic was on it’s best behavior. Perhaps, even the Ice Cream Man hopes to get something under the tree this year.

As Julie experiences each calendar day, the gift seems to echo her dreams and day. Her fears and reality slowly mix. Given the nature of the story and the decisions facing Julie, this issue never felt overly preachy, except for the actual preacher. Instead, Prince opts to let the reader learn our own lesson and take our own message from this issue. Ending on a somber note, I felt the question being asked of Julie and everyone is what are you celebrating?

Score: 8.8