Cover Your Face and Learn To Walk Backwards

Sep 13, 2022


Mad Cave Studios


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Maskerade # 1 Cover

Maybe they just want to congratulate them for 30 years, but Dark Horse Comics new series Maskerade seems to suggest that image is everything. Who can argue with that logic? How you show up and present yourself, consistently, goes a long way to proving who you are. But some people wear masks and to expose their actions you have to crash their parties. Dark Horse Comics gives a provocative star the power to give her cities scum a look at the man in the mirror.

Maskerade # 1
Chapter 1: Face to Face

Dark Horse Comics

Written by: Kevin Smith; Andy McElfresh
Art by: John Sprengelmeyer
Colors by: Guilia Brusco
Letters by: Andrew Thomas

Most people will say if you want to make a positive first impression don’t be an ass. And definitely don’t go around showing it; you know what they will say about you then, right? But there are a few individuals who face anything with no fear. One of them is Felicia Dance, or Fearless Fee to her fans. This is evident with how she starts her latest social media broadcast; flaunting her assets while giving critics a convenient cubby for their comments.

The tongue and cheek images off of Fee’s phone give the impression that John Sprengelmeyer won’t shy away from some of the things we often don’t want to face about others; and ourselves.

Maskerade # 1 Int art

Maskerade # 1 let’s Kevin Smith and Andy McElfresh give readers the seedy story of Trenchen. Though the writers keep things between the sheets, the same can’t be said for one of the series stars. Dwayne is in need of a new job once the head of the news division discovers what that “other job functions as needed” thing really means. But in addition to covering Bob Franco’s wife, Dwayne is also serious about covering the news and cover-ups. Unfortunately, any possible job prospects for Dwayne also get blown. Well almost all of them, but the prospect of working on the ‘Bye, Felicia’ show has him wondering if he can face himself in the mirror each morning.

While a lot of this initial issue focuses on Dwayne, we do get a brief look at the series star. Maskerade looks like a female Snake Eyes, with a 3-D printer in the helmet; creating a mask for Felicia to wear. This seems story specific but it is interesting that the helmets scanning technology doesn’t operate via holograms like M.A.S.K. or Jem?

Maskerade takes place in a city described as the “Shitty City by the Bay”, and Trenchen lives up to it’s name. Readers get a good look thanks to the american traditional colors that Guilia Brusco uses. Along with Sprengelmeyer, the city’s scars show even through the makeup. There are already a lot of questions with a high-rise homicide victim. Determining her true age since her face looks younger than her hands may be the biggest.

The first issue of Maskerade feels like someone “putting on a new face”. Similar to touch up in the mirror, issue # 1 feels a bit like getting ready for the show. But if the series star continues getting all up in people’s faces while putting her ass on the line , ‘Bye, Felicia’ and Maskerade can guarantee lots of views.

After all she’s got the look.

Score: 8.5