Nerdy by Nature: Our Local Comic Con. We Can’t Wait!!

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Con?!  Geek Out! Man, we can’t wait. It’s a great excuse to dress up, be accepted as a sugar-induced fanboy, and celebrate all things geeky.  Forest City (London, Canada – say what!) Comic Con and Project Play.

You know what a Con is – But, what is Project Play? The region’s biggest hands-on gaming event. Proceeds go to sharing the fun through donations of board and video games to local community organizations. In its fifth year, the event has helped 15 organizations and raised over $25,000. In short, volunteers find ways to raise money play board games. How cool is that?!

Local vendors will be there – the local talent. So, have a conversation with the artists. Get to know them! There will be more art this year, which will be great.  255+ tables of geeky goodness will be on site! The geek girls are right – bigger is better! 😉

If you can’t make it out (because you’re in Iceland or Australia), then check out this lineup that is coming to our local Con to help celebrate nerd culture.

Most importantly, four out of five dentists recommend listening to Nerdy by Nature‘s latest episode that involves being geeky fanboys about their local Con. Enjoy!

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By Elijah Drown

Elijah lives in Canada and spends his spare time hosting the Nerdy By Nature Podcast, grabbing new friends to join GWW, playing board games, cycling, or playing a Barb in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Sitting down is not his forte as keeping busy started with three kids (2 boys and a girl). He grew up along side the PC and spent countless hours playing multiplayer Quake with a 9600 baud modem (despite the lag). These days, Steam is his favourite place to play online, along with Forza Horizon on XBOX Live (when his oldest son lets him play).

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