Arrow Re-Nocked: Episode 20 – The Fallen

Originally Aired: April 22, 2015 Wow this episode was fantastic! Once again Arrow delivers not only action but emotion that is unrivaled in the world of comic book TV shows. This episode was cut pretty evenly in half in terms of past and present. The flashback scenes...

Arrow Re-Nocked: Episode 19 – Broken Arrow

Originally Aired: April 15, 2015 The theme for this week’s Arrow was sacrifice. In the promos for “Broken Arrow” we saw a focus on Roy with the line being “There is no justice without sacrifice”, and that is close to how the whole episode went. The...

Arrow 4B: The Remaining Eight & Speculation

Warning: the post below contains both some serious Arrow 4B spoilers, speculation, & theories. According to a report from TVLine, CW boss Marc Pedowtiz has renewed Arrow for an epic fifth season! This is a pivotal renewal for the series, because it should include...

Arrow 4B: Merlyn & Spoilers

A fight three years in the making is coming to Arrow, in the very near future, actor John Barrowman teases, “I’m not saying anything more, it’s a big fight and that’s it!” [].  Really, I thought these two were BFFs, after Oliver (Stephen Amell) literally...