Parlipod Comics Weekly #31: Rollin’ with Savages/ Animatic Con

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Lindsay calls Dave up to talk about Venomized Variants from Marvel Comics.She loves her some symbiotes, but does this gimmick get the green light? Reborn is about to end and we recap what’s happened in the Image Comics fantasy epic thus far. Dave has a hard time dieting with Cadbury Creme Eggs lurking around every corner and a debate over toilet paper leads to savagery.

PLUS: Lindsay attended Animatic Convention in Cincinnati and snagged some cool interviews with…
Cosplayers Super Kayce (31:05), Hailey S Cosplay (34:25), Knightmage Michael Wilson (49:06)
Musician/Comedian Mikey Mason (40:36)
Con Head Brent Filipkowski (55:47)

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If you missed this “Con with a Cause” don’t skip these clips as the artistry behind Cosplay is discussed and learn how you can inspire Mikey Mason’s next song.

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