Pop Star Mutant Dazzler Will Appear in ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’

Jun 23, 2017

Last year it was revealed that a scene was cut from X-Men: Apocalypse which shows Scott Summers (Tye Sheriden) and Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) in a 80’s record store and coming accross a Dazzler album. Dazzler is a mutant pop star in the X-Men universe who can sing & damce but also manipulate light. Turner also made a refrence to 1989 which lead many to wonder if she was hinting at real life pop star Taylor Swift (made famous by her 1989 album) would cameo as the mutant. This was even more speuclated when writer and now director Simon Kinberg posted a image during filming alongside Taylor Swift during one of her concerts. Ultimately nothing came of it and the scene was cut from the film.

Now today Entertainment Weekly has exclusively learned that Dazzler will have a minor role in the upcoming X-Men film. The siyte does reveal the studio at this time has no plan on asking Taylor Swift to cameo in the film. Regardless, of how much of a fan Kinberg is of Ms. Swift; trying to get a singer like that to film in any type of movie would be a scheduling nightmare.  Never-the-less, the mutant pop star will appear in the sequel so the hunt is on for the actress the play the role…

We at Omega Underground learned that filming is expected to begin June 28th through the fall in Montreal…

X-Men: Dark Phoenix debuts November 2018