In 2016, Cartoon Network created a reboot to the hit series, BEN 10. BEN 10 is one of Cartoon Networks most successful franchises within their catalog...
Could a potential ‘BEN 10: ALIEN FORCE’ reboot be coming to Cartoon Network?
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In 2016, Cartoon Network created a reboot to the hit series, BEN 10. BEN 10 is one of Cartoon Networks most successful franchises within their catalog...
Exclusive: A live-action 'Ben 10' series is on the way. Warner Bros. is in the early stages of developing a show based on the cartoon franchise, sources...
We're thrilled to bring you a conversation with one of our all-time favorite comic book talents, JM DeMatteis. If you have a favorite comic book...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.