Twelfth Doctor Adventures Year Two: Invasion of the Mindmorph Pt.2 REVIEW

Twelfth Doctor Adventures Year Two: Invasion of the Mindmorphs Part 2 Titan Comics Written by: Robbie Morrison Art by: Rachel Stott Colors by: Rod Fernandes   Hey, would you look at that? A continuity piece by me! That’s new… The Twelfth Doctor, alongside Sonny and Val, the creators of “the Time Surgeon” comic series, landed… Continue reading Twelfth Doctor Adventures Year Two: Invasion of the Mindmorph Pt.2 REVIEW

Hope Delivered By A Mad Man in A Box

Doctor Who is a big part of my life and has helped me through tough times. I am eternally grateful to those who have played the Doctor – and even more so to the creators of the handful of episodes I watched through them. I have found that this show has been a source of… Continue reading Hope Delivered By A Mad Man in A Box

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