The title says it all folks. Sit down, buckle in, tune in, and. TURN. IT. UP!!! Hang on, because we are still gonna cover a poop ton a' news in 1 hour....
E2KGn30 : Episode #25 – 2017 Gaming News Year in Review!
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The title says it all folks. Sit down, buckle in, tune in, and. TURN. IT. UP!!! Hang on, because we are still gonna cover a poop ton a' news in 1 hour....
Coming off an impressive E3 2016 loaded with exclusives, Sony continued to show that their primary focus is on games by opting to not even mention...
Bethesda's announcements leave me in awe and excitement. Each piece of information dropped this evening left me wanting more and more. Given the amount of...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.