After months of radio silence, and a distinct lack of marketing, Warner Bros. has finally given a new date to 'Godzilla vs. Kong.' The film, the fourth in...
Kong Articles
‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ Got Rewrites from Mike Dougherty & Zach Shields (‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters’)
Thanks to Total Film, we now know that Mike Dougherty and Zach Shields did rewrites on the upcoming 'Godzilla vs. Kong.' Dougherty is the director of...
‘Space Jam 2’ Set For July 16, 2021; ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ and ‘Annabelle 3’ Get Moved Up Earlier
25 years later, the Warner Bros. sequel 'Space Jam 2' will come on and slam into theaters July 16, 2021. LeBron James will lead this time, much like...
A DK Fanatic Explores Donkey Kong II – GXG Live
Jon is a Donkey Kong fanatic, pure and simple. Yet somehow, this 2006 mod for the original Donkey Kong arcade cabinet flew under his radar until a recent...
Confirmed Epic Podcast #73: Shin Godzilla
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Nerds Who Get Laid, Sometimes – Ep. 171: Blunder Woman & Yawny Depp
This week on NWGLS, The Nerds are back after a short hiatus, and they are ready to party! They have a discussion about their criteria on purchasing things...
A Monstrous Hit – Kong: Skull Island REVIEW
Kong: Skull Island (2017) Warner Bros. Pictures Directed by: Jordan Vogt-Roberts Written by: Dan Gilroy, Max Borenstein Starring: Tom Hiddleston, Samuel...