Loot Anime is a monthly mystery bundle featuring items such as figures, apparel, manga and more. Each box is guaranteed to have $60+ value for only $24.95...
RWBY Articles
Digi Rin Cosplay Is Ready For Battle With Her Armor Laden Art
Name: DiGi Rin Location: Toronto, ON, Canada Twitter: N/A Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigiRinCosplay Photographer(s): Don Dolce Photography, Lexa...
Junkers Cosplay Inc. Displays His Expertly Crafted And Heroic Designs
Name: Johnny Junkers Location: San Diego, CA Twitter: @JohnnyJunkers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JunkersCosplay Photographer(s): BigWhiteBazooka...
Sirenite Cosplay Displays Their Artistic Prowess With Their Out Of This World Designs
Name: Harley - Sirenite Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada Twitter: @sirenitecosplay Facebook: www.facebook.com/barlightsprettygirls Photographer(s):...
Sorayomi’s Takes Her Cosplay Inspiration From Her Love Of Anime
Name: Sorayomi (Lene) Location: Twin Cities, MN Twitter: @sorayomiiii Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sorayomicosplay Photographer(s): myself,...
Interview with Rooster Teeth’s own Barbara Dunkelman at RTX 2015
Barbara began as a fan of Rooster Teeth, who then followed her dream down to Austin where she is now one of the faces of Rooster Teeth and holds an...