After exacting revenge on those responsible for the death of his wife and children, Frank Castle (Jon...
The Punisher TV Series Articles
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TRAILER: ‘The Punisher’ Is Out For Blood After the murder of his family, Frank Castle is both haunted and hunted. In the criminal underworld, he’ll become known as...
TRAILER: ‘The Punisher’ Has Returned To Collect After the murder of his family, Frank Castle is both haunted and hunted. In the criminal underworld, he’ll become known as...
Producer Adi Shankar Jumps To TV; Still Interested in Producing ‘The Punisher’ for Netflix?!
Producer Adi Shankar is becoming a household name in r-rated fan films. He was the producer behind the fan films Power/Rangers staring Katee Sackhoff as...
‘Daredevil’ Showrunner Steven DeKnight Wants ‘The Punisher’ To Appear on Netflix
The Punisher has been one hot topic ever since the rights reverted back to Marvel Studios back several years ago. He is a character never fully realized...