Disney’s Jungle Cruise Movie Going Forward 

The Pirates of the Caribbean movies have grossed almost a billion dollars domestically since the first movie premiered in 2003. Tomorrowland, released in 2015, wasn’t as big a success netting a little over $200 million worldwide.  Disney is hoping to start a new franchise based on one of their signature attractions with a movie based… Continue reading Disney’s Jungle Cruise Movie Going Forward 

Joss Whedon to Helm Batgirl Film for Warner Brothers

Joss Whedon is one of the most sought after writer/directors in Hollywood. The man behind hit television series like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly along with big screen blockbusters like the first two Marvel Avengers movies has stepped back from the director’s chair lately with everyone waiting in anticipation for what he would be… Continue reading Joss Whedon to Helm Batgirl Film for Warner Brothers

Mel Gibson Directing Suicide Squad Won’t Right the Ship, it will Send It Directly into An Iceberg

Right now the internet is buzzing, churning, bubbling and whatever other buzz terminology you want to throw in to show that people are talking, about the news that actor/director Mel Gibson is being courted to direct the sequel to David Ayer’s 2016 film Suicide Squad. Many of those same people are looking at the possibility… Continue reading Mel Gibson Directing Suicide Squad Won’t Right the Ship, it will Send It Directly into An Iceberg

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