The Surprising Benefits of Immersive Escape Room Games

Jul 24, 2023

Unsurprisingly, the pandemic affected the escape room market in the US. Nearly 200 escape rooms closed between the start of Covid and the beginning of 2021. Happily, this small part of the entertainment industry has bounced back.

There are well over 2,200 escape rooms in the country now offering a choice of themes and puzzles to solve. And millions of people across the world have enjoyed the challenge and rewards of solving fiendishly difficult escape rooms.

For the most part, escape rooms are a fun and enjoyable way to spend time with friends. They are a distraction from the real world and offer an immersive experience. However, there are some perhaps surprising benefits to be had from playing escape rooms.

What do modern escape rooms involve?

Unlike games such as Dungeons and Dragons where the players’ imaginations are needed, escape rooms are played in a physical location. A visit to Hour To Midnight Escape Rooms reveals how stories and themes are interwoven to create an immersive experience.

A physical location is used which may contain several rooms for each escape game experience. And the storyline is essential for setting the scene.

Generally speaking, all escape rooms follow some set rules. There will be a number of puzzles and exercises to overcome before progress can be made. There is normally a time limit. And there will be a games master who sets the story and monitors progress.

How do escape rooms compare to immersive video games?

With advances in technology, video games have progressed massively in recent times. The original arcade games of the 70s are unrecognizable compared to the latest Zelda game. VR has also made some inroads into enhancing the immersive aspect of video gaming.

But, often it is the clever use of atmospheric music and creative storylines which truly draw gamers into the digital world on their screens. The immersive horror of Dead Space 2 for instance, genuinely holds the attention of anyone caught up in it.

Escape rooms though offer something else; physical immersion. Modern escape rooms often have augmented features such as video and audio, but players are right in the middle of the story. There is no pause button in an escape room, the clock is ticking constantly.

One aspect that many online games share with escape rooms though is social interaction. Escape room players are often friends or colleagues and the games require interaction. Online FPS team games also involve communication.

Just as video game fans point to the benefits of enhanced hand-eye coordination, there are some surprising gains from playing escape rooms too.

What are the surprising gains from playing escape room games?

There is no doubt that the toughest escape rooms require some serious thinking if they are to be solved. As entertaining as escape rooms are, they offer thrilling but tough challenges at times. As the clock ticks down, the tension and pressure build. At these times, calm minds are needed if failure is to be avoided.

Therefore, several skills are needed to complete an escape room. Some of these will be enhanced further by playing these games. And there are even some health benefits to playing escape room games.

1 Enhanced problem-solving skills

Different escape rooms have different difficulty levels. Some are aimed at younger players or families, while others have intricate puzzles. Critical thinking and information analysis are needed to solve escape room puzzles.

Most areas of escape rooms involve mentally challenging problems. By tackling these exercises you will develop problem-solving strategies that can be taken into the real world. You will need to think more creatively, and outside of the box.

2 Stress relief and mood boosting

Despite the sometimes infuriating puzzles in escape rooms, playing them can help to relieve stress. Escape rooms are after all a form of entertainment. The real world is full of stress related to work or the cost of living. These gaming facilities literally allow players to escape from the pressure of real life.

There are many ways that stress affects health, and immersing yourself in an escape room can relieve those pressures.

3 Time management

Most escape room games last for one hour. This leads to players needing to make decisions and use time effectively. To progress through an escape room, puzzles, and tasks should be prioritized, and calculated decisions made quickly.

Time management skills are necessary in all aspects of life from the workplace to the home.

4 Improved communication

Companies often use escape rooms for team building with good reason. Escape rooms require communication and collaboration. There is a science behind team building, and it is heavily linked to communication.

Good teams have members communicating in equal measures and being listened to. Team members must communicate with each other and not just their leader. Escape rooms help to improve communication skills and the sharing of ideas.

Teams will only complete escape rooms if they work together. Collaboration is essential for completing some escape room challenges. And this can help to forge stronger team bonds.

5 Enhanced creativity

Thinking outside of the box is often crucial in escape rooms. Linear thinking is often needed in escape rooms, but sometimes alternative points of view will win out. Being able to think unconventionally can help to connect apparently unconnected clues.

Learning to approach challenges from different angles results in creative thinking. And from creative thinking comes innovation.

6 Resilience and patience

Perseverance is needed to complete escape rooms. Becoming frustrated and impatient will lead to failure in an escape room game. But, those who develop patience and can adapt to changes in the game will become more resilient.

And overcoming difficult challenges leads to satisfaction and enhanced confidence.

7 Critical thinking

Escape room games often need you to think like a detective. Indeed, some escape room puzzles would even cause Sherlock trouble. Yet there are benefits to be had. Players need sharp observation and logical thinking to complete escape rooms.

Escape rooms use technology to enhance puzzles. There are many advantages to implementing technology in education too. But, perhaps students should be sent to escape room games to hone cognitive abilities.

8 Physical activity

Escape rooms certainly aren’t a replacement for a physical workout. Nevertheless, some challenges involve moving objects and navigating through the gaming environment. Some games involve tunnels and crawl spaces providing a small amount of fun physical activity.

9 A break from reality

Last but certainly not least. Escape rooms provide a much-needed break from the rigors of everyday life. Immersing yourself in an engaging escape game will let you recharge your batteries and have fun.

As mentioned before, escape rooms can help to relieve stress. But, the entertainment element also helps to rejuvenate players. This results in renewed enthusiasm for regular work tasks and daily chores.


When it comes right down to it, escape rooms are fun. They are created to entertain as well as challenge participants. They encourage social interaction and communication. Plus, they offer a little respite from everyday life.

However, escape room games benefit players in many ways. Different skill sets can be learned and enhanced through collaboration and creative thinking. Players learn to develop problem-solving strategies and make quick decisions.

Not only this, but players learn time management skills, and how to approach problems with a fresh perspective. But, most of all, escape rooms offer immersive entertainment.