‘Titans’ 1×05 “Together” Review

Nov 9, 2018

DC Universe

Season 1: Episode 5 “Together”

After reuniting with Dick and Kory, Rachel (joined by Gar) is finally safe, or so she thinks. The rag tag team of misfits quickly realize they are being hunted by the Nuclear Family, again. They hole up at a run-down motel, but they aren’t as safe as they think.

Following a stellar fourth episode, ‘Titans’ fifth outing is very disappointing. The pacing and dialogue were terrible, with the only saving grace being Robin. Dick is still coming to terms with showing everyone who he really is, and this episode provides great character development for him. Kory is at her worst here, doing nothing but seducing Dick, which felt incredibly out of place given what’s going on around them. Gar and Rachel didn’t have much to do in this episode except stand around and wait for Dick to say something.

What should have been an epic power training montage/scene was an incredibly rushed showcasing of everyone’s ‘abilities.’ Everything happened far too quickly and for little reason. When Dick says they need to train, I didn’t expect two minutes of Gar transforming, Kory throwing a fireball, and Rachel losing control. Something was clearly missing here.

Dick’s fight scene with the Nuclear Family was horrendous and felt like something you’d see in Adam West’s Batman show. It was painfully obvious that no one was actually hitting each other and it took away from any levity or badassery the scene could have had. I’m not sure if it was the result of bad stunt coordination, bad camera work, or bad editing, but something went wrong here. The Titans fighting together as a team for the first time should have felt epic and powerful, but once again it was so rushed you could blink and miss it. The best part of the episode was the introduction of Jason Todd at the end, which still felt out of place. Hopefully, an episode centered on him can help bring the show back to episode four quality.

Unfortunately for Titans “Together,” the choppy editing, dialogue, pacing, and action scenes make for a disappointing and mediocre fifth entry to ‘Titans.’