Undiscovered Country #9 (REVIEW)

Oct 28, 2020

Mad Cave Studios


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Undiscovered Country #9
Image Comics

Written by: Scott Snyder & Charles Soule
Art by: Giuseppe Camuncoli & Leonardo Marcello Grassi
Colors by: Matt Wilson
Letters by: Crank!

Undiscovered Country #9 might be the title’s best issue to date.

On the whole, the title has been excellent. There hasn’t necessarily been a bad issue yet, but some make more of an impression than others.

And after Undiscovered Country #8 left readers scratching their heads, Scott Snyder and Charles Soule provided the readers with more answers.

But, they also managed to create more questions.

While the plot and dialogue continue to be what dominates Undiscovered Country, this was also a big issue for Giuseppe Camuncoli & Leonardo Marcello Grassi. Specifically because of the moments in which Dr. Jain is talking at length with the group’s diplomats, Chang Enlou and Janet Worthington.

There was some other cool stuff in the issue, but in those panels, I got lost in their world. It felt so real. That probably had to do with Snyder and Soule’s writing, too. But for some reason, the art in those panels spoke to me a little differently.

(WARNING: Spoilers for Undiscovered Country #9 ahead.)

The whole trip to Unity is an interesting commentary on technological development, and I’m not exactly sure where Snyder and Soule stand on the matter — which is totally fine by me.

I’ll tell you what though, the whole bit with Daniel and Charlotte’s “parents” was infuriating. I had a visceral reaction when Dr. Jain said, “These are your parents, Daniel. In the truest sense.”

No. They may be the closest thing to the real deal, but they’re not Daniel and Charlotte’s parents.

I’ve not trusted Unity’s whole act for a while, and that line set off the alarms again.

Score: 9.5