Grim #1

Grim #1 opens up a new world into what Grim Reapers really are. No longer are they skeletons in black cloaks, but beings from different time periods. 

8 Billion Genies #1

Now, tell me want. That is a question that is easier to ask than to answer. Especially with the cost, I mean not everything is made of sugar and spice. 

Jurassic League #1

Dinosaurs and superhero's are both awesome. What happens when you have Superhero’s who are Dinosaurs? 

Crossover #13

It's been two months, since readers  held a fresh copy of the brilliant series Crossover in their  hands. But no its time, and we can finally read Crossover #13 

Symbol of Truth #1

We begin with in the American Southwest. Someone has stolen a super soldier serum, and Captain America is tracking them. 

Tyranny of The Muse.

Nothing is more frustrating than failing. You want to succeed, but there’s a missing piece. And it can’t be manufactured. 

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Go check out Mad Cave Studios and save 10% off of ANY comic by using our link below! 

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