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Lurking Very-Ables?

Lurking Very-Ables?

Despite the death of the Doctor, there is no shortage of Strange things in the Marvel Universe. So even before the season of spookiness, at times it already feels like this is Halloween. However, rather than leave readers searching the shadows, Crypt of Shadows...

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3keys # 1

3keys # 1

Though the title is 3Keys, it seems the only key that matters for Noah Carter is whiskey. With a bleach blonde bob cut, this full sleeve - and who knows where else - tattoo sporting retailer certainly doesn't act like someone crucial to protecting the multiverse. Can...

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It’s A Maul World After All

It’s A Maul World After All

Home of the Devil's Due for over 50 years. Devil Land is one man's dream to show us all our fears. Image Comics new series makes it clear this new job is full of scares. On the Dark Ride it doesn't matter if you keep your hands inside the car at all times. You're...

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Default Setup

Default Setup

Eventually you may recognize that a strategy isn't working. But did things fall apart somewhere in the middle - and if so is the "mission" salvageable - or was it doomed from the start? Image Comics new series Flawed takes a therapeutic approach to fixing a city's...

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Get A Grip

Get A Grip

While they can handle the strings, most people would not consider a roadie to be a master of puppets. Some may see them as slaves but they are responsible for holding the reigns and even reigning things in at times. Dark Horse Comics introduces readers to another...

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Welcome to Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters

Welcome to Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters

You guys gotta admit, this has been fun. As much fun as growing up, entering into adulthood in a world that fears and hates you can be. But, you guys did it; most of you didn't even die. Long before there were schools for future mages or those who don metal suits....

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Fanta-SAW Island

Fanta-SAW Island

It's okay if you don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but don't ignore the fact that something is coming out the other end. Are you being offered something for nothing or is this getting exactly what you deserve? A group of 8 passengers are setting sail on an...

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A Root -Ing, Two -TIng, Good Story

A Root -Ing, Two -TIng, Good Story

So excited to tell you about this new game Blossom Tales 2: The Minotaur Prince from Castle Pixel. It's about a brother and sister. The girl is budding with energy and causes a bit of commotion. They set sail, navigating the sea to find lost games that they can play....

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Here Comes The Reign Again?

Here Comes The Reign Again?

There is no escaping how polarizing the presence of monarchy can be.  Even now the world joins in grieving the loss of a longstanding queen.  Several light years, and universes, away on Mars another nation's territory is under assault.  Many Arakki have lost their...

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Cover Your Face and Learn To Walk Backwards

Cover Your Face and Learn To Walk Backwards

Maybe they just want to congratulate them for 30 years, but Dark Horse Comics new series Maskerade seems to suggest that image is everything. Who can argue with that logic? How you show up and present yourself, consistently, goes a long way to proving who you are. But...

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