The impact of zombies on recent pop culture can not be under estimated, so much so to the point of zombie fatigue in many instances. World War Z is a movie planted squarely at the epicenter of the phenomena from 2013. While a planned sequel has fallen by the way side...
Apex Legends (PC) mid week war stream
Our Midweek War stream featuring Apex Legends this week as season 1 kicks off and the grind to glory begins.
Bannermen Review
The RTS genre has a long and glorious past stretching back decades. Bannermen proudly builds on that heritage using classic RTS mechanics while sprinkling in some modern concepts for waging war. Resource gathering and planning are front and center to build and...
Insurgency: Sandstorm Stream (PC)
The military shooter has been one of the mainstays in my gaming rotation for many years and each iteration has its charms and draws. Some take you through time to wars of a bygone era while others plant you solidly in modern warfare. Insurgency Sandstorm is the sequel...
Mid-week Warfare Battlefield V
Battlefield V is one of the best shooters out right now and squad play is one of the biggest reasons. Playing with a squad that works together, traversing the sprawling battlefield makes you feel like a real band of brothers. Add to that the ability to build...
Hitman 2 wet work Stream
The Hitman franchise returns building on the success of its previous episodic release with the triumphant return of Agent 47 in Hitman 2. The options for dispensing your marks remain as numerous and creative as ever. The vibrant living world of Hitman 2 is something...
Fallout 76 beta kickoff
Fallout 76, one of the most anticipated and ambitious titles in recent memory kicked off its beta and we were front and center for all of the wastelandic action.
Call of Duty Black ops 4 (PC): Blackout Friday stream.
Call of Duty Black Ops 4, one of the most anticipated releases is nigh and we were right in the middle for the launch of their Battle Royal mode Blackout. This was the selling point for myself and a few other pc gamers that I know played and loved the new mode in the...
Battlefield V (PC) open beta
The open beta for Battlefield V, the next installment in the legendary series kicked off last week to lots of fan fair and euphoric sniper wannabes. We got access a few days early and the following mayhem ensued.
Spider-man Launch stream
One of the most anticipated releases of the year has arrived and it is everything spider-man fans have hoped for and more. From the interactions as Peter Parker with tons of characters from the comics to the depth of skills, moves, gadgets, and things to do. You'll...