The third installment of the Max Payne series is by far the best. Rockstar Games has once again proven they know how to deliver an engaging story right in the mix of battle. They've taken the noir feel of Max 1 & 2 and added a strong dose of realistic story arch...
Tech Adventure
Review: Max Payne 3
Sony Adds More “Free” Games to PSN+
Update: Sony just confirmed it has added Deus Ex: Human Revolution to the list. Download it now! Sony today announced the release of 3 title to the Instant Game Collection for PSN+ members: Gotham City Impostors, Pac-Man Edition DX, and Renegade Ops. While these...
Breaking: Sony buys gaming streaming service Gaikai for $380 million
Sony announced this morning intent to purchase Gaikai for $380 million. The goal for Sony is to establish a "new cloud service." This will bring 1st and 3rd party titles to the PS3, Vita, and potentially Sony televisions, without the need for a disk. What is unclear...
Is the Resistance Over?
According to Sony Producer Daniel Brooke of SCEO Europe Online, as reported by OPM, there are "no definitive plans" for the Resistance franchise. This is not a huge shock. Resistance 3, while very good and our favorite in the franchise, it was a not a heavy seller....
To The Point – Issue #3
For those of us that hate reading fluff, here are the highlights of what’s going on in the industry. Remember during Nintendo's E3 press conference how something seemed to go terribly wrong near the end? Well, it's safe to say that was supposed to be the reveal of the...
To The Point – Issue #2
For those of us that hate reading fluff, here are the highlights of what’s going on in the industry. E3 is over and the summer gaming drought begins. It's a great time to enjoy the finer things in life like birds singing, getting your hiking boots dirty, and throwing...