Tech Adventure

Consoles: The Next Generation

There is a lot of speculation about the next generation of consoles. Will they have hard drives and DVD drives? Will they require a persistent Internet connection? Looking closely at each of The Big 3, many questions come to mind about their ability to stay relevant....

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Review: Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Golden Abyss is exactly what Sony was hoping for as the premier launch title for the Vita. It's a full-blown console experience in the palm of your hands. As you play the game there are moments you are reminded Naughty Dog was not typing the code. But for the most...

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Review: PS Vita

My first day with the Vita was full of exploration. Naturally, before turning it on, I inspected every nook and cranny for features I hadn't yet read about. While I didn't find anything new, I was floored by the elegance of the device. The Vita is not only dressed to...

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Review: Resistance 3

I like it. Resistance 3 is solid but not “great” – it doesn’t reinvent the FPS genre. Keep in mind, I would play a “solid” game all day long. But it does take a very necessary step closer toward being more than just a game.

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