The Expendables 3: Hang on for…ONE. LAST. RIDE.

THE EXPENDABLES 3 involves a clash of classic old-school style versus high-tech expertise in the Expendables’ most personal battle yet.  Check out the roll call below to witness your favorite action heroes and original badasses (Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Terry Crews and Arnold Schwarzenegger) join all-star additions (Wesley Snipes,… Continue reading The Expendables 3: Hang on for…ONE. LAST. RIDE.

What Infamous: Second Son means to PlayStation

Sony’s PS4 has been off to a strong start, selling more than 6 million units worldwide as of March 1st. There are several suggested reasons for this success: a $100 lower price point than the leading competitor; a branding of “being for the gamer”; and it’s a platform that is open to independent game developers.… Continue reading What Infamous: Second Son means to PlayStation

Cosplay Gallery: Zabimaru

Every first and third Monday of the month, we at Geeks With Wives post a gallery filled with professional quality photos. These photos can be of one specific cosplayer in a single outfit or of a group of cosplayers portraying a single theme. This week, we feature the Ookami Siblings cosplaying from Zabimaru from Bleach! Tell… Continue reading Cosplay Gallery: Zabimaru

Remembering Mike MJ Ramirez

The entire team here at Geek With Wives would like to take a moment to pay honor and tribute to a great friend and member of our community. Sometime in the early hours of Tuesday March 12th, 2014, our dear friend Mike ” Mj” Ramirez passed away due to heart related issues. Mike, among many… Continue reading Remembering Mike MJ Ramirez

Darth Sparrow’s Con Report: Wizard World Sacramento

Hello, fellow geeks! This weekend I had the opportunity to make the trip to the inaugural Wizard World Sacramento Comic Con. Now that being a geek/nerd is acceptable and cool, the attendance numbers at conventions have skyrocketed. What were once small conventions are now huge Meccas for all things geek, full of fans from all… Continue reading Darth Sparrow’s Con Report: Wizard World Sacramento

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