Freeform (previously ABC Family) has decided to dive right into the world of superhero television with the announcement of two Marvel Comics series coming...
ABC Articles
Freeform’s New Warriors Characters Revealed
Freeform's New Warriors have been releaved and the revelation is definitely going to cause debate and discussion in the geek world. According to The...
New Warriors Show Ordered to Series on Freeform
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is currently in its fourth season. Netflix continues to have success with their Marvel series with Iron Fist currently...
More Details on Marvel Generations Event
Following the events of the upcoming Secret Empire storyline, Marvel went to ABC News with new details on their Summer event series Marvel: Generations....
First Photos from the Set of Marvel’s Inhumans
Normally the weekend is relatively slow when it comes to the news in the Geek World, but tonight Twitter was on fire with photos from the set of Inhumans...
Marvel’s Inhumans Completes Its Cast
ABC and Marvel have completed the cast list for the Inhumans series set to debut this fall. According to The Hollywood Reporter and Variety, we have our...
Marvel has cast Inhuman Warrior Karnak
Marvel continues to let fans know that their new series is taking shape with another new casting announcement. Marvel and ABC have confirmed that they...
Marvel’s Inhumans has Found its Medusa
Casting news has been coming in steadily lately and Marvel has decided to seize this moment in the news cycle to let everyone know who they are casting in...
Marvel’s The Inhumans has Cast its Black Bolt
The casting news has been coming steadily lately. With new series going into production as old series wind down, the latest crop of comic book related...
Enter the Framework, free your mind – Agents of SHIELD 4X15 Review
Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 15 "Self Control" Rating: 10/10 SPOILER WARNING!! Before we get started, this episode was absolutely amazing, it hit on...
Game of Thrones Big Bad Joins The Inhumans
It seems that the cast of the soon to be completed HBO series Game of Thrones will not have to wait long before they find new gigs for themselves as...
‘Secret Empire’ Looks to Change the Marvel Universe Again, possibly for the Better.
Our beloved Marvel heroes have been put through the ringer during the recent Civil War II storyline and it looks like that was just the precursor to...