The cast of the Marvel Cinematic and TV universe continues to grow as ABC's young adult channel FreeForm has found the leads for its newest series based...
ABC Articles
The Air of Betrayal in Agents of SHIELD S04xE11 Review
***SPOILERS AHEAD*** Marvel's "Secret Invasion"... er..I mean.."LMD" story arc continues in this weeks episode of Agents of SHIELD, "Wake Up"! This...
ABC Network President Confident of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Renewal Prospects
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D has seen a surge in its viewership with the Ghost Rider storyline they introduced at the beginning of season four. As they...
Marvel Honcho making Directorial Debut with S.H.I.E.L.D Spin-Off
Prolific Marvel writer, creator, former Editor-in-Chief and current Marvel Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada is taking to the web to keep...
Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer is Here!!!!
It's finally here and it is all kinds of glorious! After the teaser footage released yesterday got fans scrambling to find out more, we finally get our...
A Second Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer Confirmed for Tonight
Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige told USA Today that in addition to the highly anticipated trailer premiere of Spider-Man: Homecoming on tonight's...
Inhumans TV series coming to ABC & IMAX in 2017
This is a bit of a shocker, as Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios originally stated that the Inhumans would join the rest of the MCU on the big screen, but it...
Ghost Rider, Gabriel Luna talks Agents of SHIELD, Team-Ups, and tacos (Interview)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is well into it's fourth season and this season, Ghost Rider has joined to bring Vengeance! This iteration is of Robbie Reyes, the...
GWW Capes Crew Podcast #151: Ghost Rider and His Whip
TV Updates: Supergirl heads to CW, Agent Carter Cancelled, & Marvel’s Most Wanted not Moving Forward
This morning brings both good news and bad news for superhero television fans. Following speculation and rumors of cancellation fans of Kara Danvers and...
Quantico 1×12 Alex
We left off the winter finale with the FBI headquarters being bombed and everyone leaving in shock. Coming back we see flashbacks to the NAT’s, who are...
How To Get Away With Murder 2×13 Something Bad Happened
*Warning: SPOILERS to Follow* This week we see that Phillip has sent out videos of Annalise and Michaela, both within the last twenty-four hours,...