Fight Girls #2 If there is one thing Fight Girls doesn't lack, it's action. For that matter, you would be hard pressed to find anything falling short in...

Fight Girls #2 If there is one thing Fight Girls doesn't lack, it's action. For that matter, you would be hard pressed to find anything falling short in...
NOTE: The author of Adventure, Warren Robinett, was present in the chat for this live stream! It’s 1980 and you’re sitting cross-legged in front of the...
Thanks to Novy Unlimited for providing us with this review build. Back in October, our own Kenney Newville reviewed the Nintendo Switch release of...
Video Game properties don't seem to translate well to other media. Full disclosure, I'm the furthest thing from a "Gamer" but I say this only...
Ties That Bind, Parts I & II The story thus far . . . This holiday season, Telltale Games began the launch of the third season of its hugely popular...
If you wanted to get a quick taste of what to expect with Batman: The Telltale series be sure to check out GWW's review of the first episode. There may...
We wanted to try something different. During our first six months of creating podcast magic, we have covered many topics and tried new things. But,...
Knee Deep is one of those games that turn out to be completely different than one would expect. The adventure game genre is having another renaissance...
Boss battles almost seem to be a lost art form. They still exist, to be sure, but most of us remember a time when there was hardly a game published...
These days, the word “reboot” often triggers a gut reaction of unease, revulsion and immediate disinterest. And it's perfectly understandable, given the...
Full disclosure: GWW was given a copy of the game for review purposes Growing up I’ve always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons. It’s always appealed to...
Crystal Dynamics has created the best Tomb Raider to date. In 2013, developer Crystal Dynamics released the reboot of Tomb Raider, and it presented some...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.