Alita: Battle Angel originally was an adaptation that director James Cameron had planned on making after Avatar, the first installment in a planned...
anime Articles
Crossover University #92: The Incredible THICC-Ness
This week we give a SPOILER FREE review of Incredibles 2. We talk hot cartoons throughout the years. Our favorite Disney Shorts. On Akiba we talk about...
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle Review
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle (Reviewed on PS4) Developer: Arc System Works Publisher: Arc System Works, PQube Release Date: June 5th, 2018 Also available on...
Michael B. Jordan to voice lead character in Rooster Teeth’s new Animated series, gen:Lock
In one of the biggest and coolest moves yet to come from the Austin production company, Rooster Teeth has teamed up with Michael B. Jordan to bring the...
Crossover University #83: Console Wars
This week we are watching the Incredibles 2 trailer and the new Deadpool tv. On the Akiba segment we talk Megalo Box ep.2 and My Hero Academia ep. 2 and...
Crossover University #82: Cartoons Are NOT For Kids
This week we talk Persona 5, My Hero Academia, and the amazing new anime Megalo-Box. We watch some clips of Spider-Man Ps4. Talk about the new Red Goblin...
Crossover University #80: Porn In The Living Room
This week we talk about the new Deadpool trailer, our hopes for Ready player one. In the Anime segment, we go over some persona talk. Comics 101 touches...
Batman: Ninja Cast Interviews
During WonderCon, Chris Pirri had the chance to sit down with WB Home Entertainment's Batman: Ninja cast including Tony Hale (The Joker), Roger Craig...
Crossover University #78: The Persona of Funk
This week we are back and as strong as ever! We hit the ground rolling with some sick and witty banter, Rock into Akiba with tons of new anime talk!!!...
Emerald City Comic Con 2018 Cosplay
I had a great time at Emerald City Comic Con 2018. Below is a video of some of the awesome cosplays that I saw this year. I just want thank all of...
Coin Operated #197: Dark Oscars
This week Brian picks who he thinks will win Best Picture and a few of the other Categories as Cody has seen almost nothing of the Best Pictures movies or...
Crossover University #76: The Soul Stone is Not in Wakanda
This week we talk early reviews for Jessica Jones Season 2. We talk Game Night. On comics 101 we talk Marvels Relaunch, Hit Girl and Infinity Countdown...