The 'Lethal Weapon' star will join the cast of the sequel to the 2017 hit directed by Jake Kasdan, who's returning for the follow-up. The untitled feature...
‘Jumanji 3’ Adds Danny Glover to Cast
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The 'Lethal Weapon' star will join the cast of the sequel to the 2017 hit directed by Jake Kasdan, who's returning for the follow-up. The untitled feature...
Welcome To The Jungle, Danny DeVito and Awkwafina. ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ star Danny DeVito has joined the cast of Dwayne Johnson’s ‘Jumanji’...
Crazy Rich Asians (2018) Warner Brothers Pictures Directed by: Jon M. Chu Written by: Peter Chiarelli, Adele Lim Starring: Constance Wu, Henry Golding,...
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