In this part we find the thug carrying the Staff of Pergamon! We try to kindly ask him for it, but he isn't so civilized. This episode contains 300% more...
games Articles
VIDEO: Divinity Original Sin: Arhu’s Killer Robot (Part 25)
In this part we encounter the rest of the Fabulous Five and face off against Arhu's huge robot! Geeks With Wives comics editor Everett and his buddy Adam...
VIDEO: Divinity Original Sin: Back On The Trail! (Part 24)
In this part we finally get Esmarelda talking! She gives up the good on who she thinks killed Councillor Jake, so we finally get back on the trail of the...
VIDEO: Divinity Original Sin: Back To The Cave (Part 23)
In this part we go back to the original cave system from part 3-4 to find a part we missed. Will it lead to a trap or treasure? Geeks With Wives comics...
VIDEO: Divinity Original Sin: Entering The Trap House (Part 22)
In this part we continue exploring the mine riddled beach and eventually make our way to a house filled with deadly traps! Can we traverse through the...
VIDEO: Divinity Original Sin: Jumping Chest Demon (Part 21)
In this part we get incinerated by Fire elementals, Find a treasure chest that can jump, and Flare defiles some orc graves! The orcs show up to try and...
Fistful Of Frags, A Different Kind of FPS
Fistful Of Frags is a completely free western style FPS (First Person Shooter) game where you have to be very focused and quick thinking. It runs on the...
Mari0: Your favorite NES game, now with portal guns!
Mari0 is the original NES Mario but crossed over with Portal, yes that's right, Portal. Mari0 is not a Rom hack or anything like that. It was built from...
Evolve: Blatant Money Grab
"From the makers of Left 4 Dead!" they keep reminding us, and at first that fact had me excited. If you read an earlier article of mine about the decline...
Marvel Heroes’ newest enhanced hero – Wiccan!
Every month without fail Gazillion Entertainment manages to push out a new hero or team up in Marvel Heroes 2015. They probably have an intense schedule...
The “First Console” Experience
Technically the first console I got my hands on was an Atari, can't remember which one. Playing on other peoples' consoles just isn't the same as that...
Star Wars The Old Republic – Shadow of Revan – Revan’s Arse-nal (Part 8)
Adam and Everett jump into the new SWTOR expansion SHADOW OF REVAN! We hop in the USS Enterprise, jump into a Star Gate, befriend some Cylons and begin...