Any mention of warrior -no matter the century - should bring to mind terms such as honor and courage. Facing a test or foe without any hesitation. Read up...

Any mention of warrior -no matter the century - should bring to mind terms such as honor and courage. Facing a test or foe without any hesitation. Read up...
Paramount Pictures is finally moving forward with another G.I. Joe movie. While a third team film is on hiatus, the studio is pivoting to a 'Snake Eyes'...
Pearl #4 JinxWorld/DC Comics Words by: Brian Michael Bendis Art by: Michael Gaydos Color by: Michael Gaydos Letters by: Joshua Reed Pearl delivers on the...
Alita: Battle Angel originally was an adaptation that director James Cameron had planned on making after Avatar, the first installment in a planned...
Now that Gotham by Gaslight is out on Home Video WB has turned their attention to the next film in the line of DC direct to home video original film's:...
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[youtube] Audio Version [soundcloud url=""...
Will King Koopa get his own game? We have just learned, thanks to our friends at Japanese Nintendo, that Nintendo has filed for a trademark in Japan for...
Godzilla: Rage Across Time #1 IDW Written By: Jeremy Robinson Art By: Matt Frank What if Godzilla was older than we thought? What if all those great...
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