Star Wars: Aftermath, by Chuck Wendig and published by Del Rey. One of the newest in a series of new Star Wars official canon, the first part of a new...
The story after the classic – Star Wars: Aftermath (Book Review)
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Star Wars: Aftermath, by Chuck Wendig and published by Del Rey. One of the newest in a series of new Star Wars official canon, the first part of a new...
Star Wars: Tarkin, a novel by James Luceneo, published by Del Rey. Part of the new official canon. Wilhuff Tarkin is a complicated man. Born on the Outer...
Control Written by: Kyle Turton I’m a fan of all things supernatural, mysterious and downright weird. So things a little like myself (ok just the weird...
The Silver Ninja: Indoctrination by Wilmar Luna Superheros, imagine never having to find a private place to change into your secret identity. Imagine...
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