There are very few relationships in the Marvel Universe that would be considered normal. Similar to the lives of first responders, doctors, and members of...
Wong Articles
Avengers: Infinity War Review
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Marvel Studios Directed by: The Russo Brothers Written by: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely Starring: Karen Gillan,...
Essentially Strange: The Best Doctor Strange Stories Part 5
The Oath Concluding our countdown of my favorite Doctor Strange story arcs is one I've reviewed before on my site, but still...
Essentially Strange: The Best Doctor Strange Stories Part 2
To Have Loved....And Lost! Our next issue is from Volume 2, Issue 55 of Doctor Strange. Originally published in October of 1982, this story was written by...
Sins of the Elder: a “Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1” (Review)
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1 Marvel Writer: Robbie Thompson Penciler: Javier Rodriguez Inker: Alvaro Lopez Colorist: Jordie Bellaire...
Dr. Strange Has Found Its Wong!
The Dr. Strange movie has found its Wong. According to The Hollywood Report, Asian actor Benedict Wong has been cast as Dr. Strange's trust manservant...