Our reviews of the releases from Marvel, DC and Image...

It’s back. It has been gone for so long. Saga has returned. But more importantly, the family, the characters we all love that inhabited the world of Saga are back too...

Saga #55

Best issue of the series to this point, hands down. This is the first issue of Gunslinger Spawn in which Brett Booth’s art didn’t drive the story...

Gunslinger Spawn #4

If you didn’t already know DC Comics was all in on Peacemaker, now you know. But it seems they won’t attempt to capitalize...

Peacemaker: Disturbing the Peace #1

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. Sadly, the sentiment only seems sound. No sooner is it stated then structures are set up to secure... 

Marauders Annual # 1

Winter Soldier fans will like the character’s one-off from Chip Zdarsky’s Daredevil/Kingpin/Elektra event. And anyone else who wants to check in on Bucky ...


Some things just belong together — Tomasi and the Super Sons being one of them. In this case though, we're not talking sons/kids, we're not talking Superboy...


Doc and FryGuy break down Titan's Gun Honey and Heavy Metal's Never Never in this week's episode of TLDR!

TLDR #56: Gun Honey & Never Never