Full disclosure: A preview copy was sent to GWW Cornerstone: Song of Tyrim is an open world RPG in the vein of Zelda. The imitation is hard to shake with its cell shaded graphics, child hero, and general format of the game. I can’t fault the developers Overflow for...
‘Rock Band 4’ coming to PC?
Harmonix, developers of Rock Band fame, has announced it'll be attempting to port Rock Band 4 to the PC. Kind of... It has started a crowd funding venture to bring Rock Band 4 to PC, and it'll be leasing the porting over to Sumo Digital. I’m personally excited about...
Phil Spencer says Windows Store ‘to improve’
As a PC gamer, I’m excited about the prospect of Microsoft sharing some “exclusivity” with its PC brother in arms. I’m not sure what to think about the Windows Store. A recent article has me even more dubious about it as a PC gaming venue. Issues with the Microsoft...
The Division: Agent Origins Review
In anticipation of The Division releasing on March 8th, I thought I would watch the miniseries Agent Origins to see if I could glean any tidbits from the videos. Below is my break down of each episode in the four part series. Take 40 minutes and watch the videos...
Fallout 4 Survival Mode Detailed
When I play Fallout I like to go it alone. I never use companions. I don't use Stimpacks to heal. Instead I opt to use food. It's just what I do. I really enjoyed the "Hardcore Mode" in Fallout New Vegas, and frankly feel if you don't play it that way, you're doing it...
The Future is Near….We Just Can’t Afford it
For years I’ve followed VR and have been anxiously waiting it’s release. 2016 is the year, it’s finally here. Things are good. The Virtual revolution will start, and I my hopes and dreams for the last few years will come true. Then reality sets in. VR is expensive. My...
Hero Defense: Haunted Island Preview (EA)
Full disclosure: A copy of this game was provided for GWW for review Hero Defense: Haunted Island is your typical tower defense game with a twist. Instead of building towers players can control up to five unique heroes that can move about the map killing creeps. I’m...
Fallout 4 DLC Announced
I love Fallout. I played Fallout 3 for hours and it’s DLC was some of the best in the business. I did the same with New Vegas although the DLC wasn’t quiet as excellent as in Fallout 3. Today Bethesda has announced details about upcoming DLC for Fallout 4. The first...
5 Things That Should be in TellTales’ Michonne
Telltale games, creators of popular adventure games such as The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, and Game of Thrones is at it again with The Walking Dead: Michonne. The shorter three part series centers around Michonne from the TWD comics and is due to launch...
Mostly Death Occurs in “Predator: Life and Death” #1 (Review)
Predator: Life and Death #1 Darkhorse Comics Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Brian Thies Colorist: Rain Beredo Cover Artist: David Palumbo I’ve always loved the Alien vs. Predator dynamic. It took two of the most badass character and threw them together like a child...