B Ferg



Any mention of warrior -no matter the century - should bring to mind terms such as honor and courage. Facing a test or foe without any hesitation. Read up on some and you surely come upon tales of those from Japan. Disciplined and determined were these samurai, ninjas...

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Krakoa’s Angels

Krakoa’s Angels

In terms of substance and evidence, Krakoa is a new testament of the faith of the mutant species. And while no one expected a completely pious existence for everyone, there is a much greater sense of disillusionment than the leaders of Krakoa anticipated....

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What’s In Your Head

What’s In Your Head

There is nothing more frustrating than thinking you're failing. You want to be part of something - to succeed, but there's just one missing piece. And that piece can't be manufactured. It's an organic process. But what if you could buy motivation right off store...

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Wish (Y) WaShy Nature

Wish (Y) WaShy Nature

Now, tell me what you want - what you really, really want. That is a question that is easier to ask than to answer. And then there is the cost, I mean not everything that makes that offer is made of sugar and spice. Which brings me to the entities that appear in Image...

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A Branch of the GiggleBerry Bush

A Branch of the GiggleBerry Bush

Frost's famous poem probably omitted a few stanzas. I doubt the traveler's road diverged merely once during their journey. So what happens when things don't go as expected? Is it possible to get back on the right path, if that ever existed. In Twig # 1, new from Image...

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Give Me The Knights (of X)

Give Me The Knights (of X)

Currently several mutants find themselves stranded and unable to get to Krakoa. Sounds like a job for Pryde and Co., right? Unfortunately, the Mauraders are currently off on a treasure hunt in Shi'ar space. Writer Tini Howard sends another Captain to fill in for the...

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Second Hand Smoke

Second Hand Smoke

When will we do something about this thing that causes tears in mothers eyes due to the loss of lives. This enemy of all mankind, how anyone can use it, it just blows my mind. We need to weed out war. Because after all what is it good for? The Secret History of the...

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Flight Response

Flight Response

When people hear the term "basic instinct" arguably two things come to mind. Either it is the thought of behaviors and acts that are socially savage or you're thinking about Sharon's seductive show. But in the last issue of Last Flight Out, co-creators Marc Guggenheim...

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Lies My Multiverse Told Me

Lies My Multiverse Told Me

It seems like everywhere you look these days there is talk of the Multiverse. I mean they are cramming it down our throats like they used to do with multivitamin commercials. But for all our interests in the topic, how much do we truly understand? What lies (and...

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In A Jam Like Smuckers: Radiant Red # 2 (Review)

In A Jam Like Smuckers: Radiant Red # 2 (Review)

This is about you. You have to love a good villain sales speech, don't ya? Since first being fully introduced to Satomi in Radiant Black # 6, I have awaited one answer. Who was responsible for transforming this teacher into a red terror? Cherish Chen delivers a...

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