B Ferg

A Root -Ing, Two -TIng, Good Story

A Root -Ing, Two -TIng, Good Story

So excited to tell you about this new game Blossom Tales 2: The Minotaur Prince from Castle Pixel. It's about a brother and sister. The girl is budding with energy and causes a bit of commotion. They set sail, navigating the sea to find lost games that they can play....

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Here Comes The Reign Again?

Here Comes The Reign Again?

There is no escaping how polarizing the presence of monarchy can be.  Even now the world joins in grieving the loss of a longstanding queen.  Several light years, and universes, away on Mars another nation's territory is under assault.  Many Arakki have lost their...

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Cover Your Face and Learn To Walk Backwards

Cover Your Face and Learn To Walk Backwards

Maybe they just want to congratulate them for 30 years, but Dark Horse Comics new series Maskerade seems to suggest that image is everything. Who can argue with that logic? How you show up and present yourself, consistently, goes a long way to proving who you are. But...

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To WARD Against Further Infections

To WARD Against Further Infections

At times certain medical measures, even those deemed extreme or invasive, are necessary. The logic is the immediate discomfort is outweighed by the recovery made possible. This can be anything from breaking a bone so it sets right to a shot in the arm. The objective...

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I Think I’ll Have The Heart Attack

I Think I’ll Have The Heart Attack

I doubt many people went ahead and shelled out the extra for the Pelican Package while planning their wedding. A couple retreat isn't the first thing you usually want to order off the menu, however, the heart wants what it wants. But sometimes you can't decide for...

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The Hell You Thinking

The Hell You Thinking

Just for the hell of it. Sometimes that is the only reason you can give why you did something. That is possibly the daring spirit that discovered the existence of 1301-A. So far Image Comics series Hellcop has stuck to detailing the organization responsible for...

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Something Close To Nothing

Something Close To Nothing

The hierarchical structure of the villain world doesn't have many levels. So there isn't much room for growth and development. You don't often hear about villain sidekicks - the most famous one is now a bigger star than her mentor. That's because in the villain world...

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A’int Gonna Hurt Nobody

A’int Gonna Hurt Nobody

Whether "at" or "in", kid plus play equals a good time; even a Class Act. Featuring a hype duo - one who is overly hyper and has the outlook that life could - and should - be a dream. Embracing each moment believing the best is yet to come. As their day begins they...

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Why You Always Save Your SpreadSheets

Why You Always Save Your SpreadSheets

XEL, from Assemble Entertainment, has a lot in common with Excel, from Microsoft. Excel was designed with similarities and as a rival to Lotus 123. XEL defintly has remants of games that came before it. They both also feature empty spaces waiting to be populated. But...

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Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? Seriously, at this point I will pay you; nothing else is working. Now see this is where the Salutation Street Bunch would talk to us about ENCOURAGEMENT. But unfortunately today's previously scheduled episode will not be...

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