I’ve been reminiscing about some of my favorite movies and I discovered a lot of my favorites, besides the obvious ones, are not very well known, such as Better Off Dead. These movies tend to be low budget, but well done. At least I think they are well done. If they...
Star Wars: Escape To A Galaxy far, far away
Along time ago in this galaxy, when I was a kid the first Star Wars movie was released. Yes, I’m old. We don’t need to get into that. I had always been a fan of Sci-Fi and space related stuff, but when Star Wars premiered, I was completely sold and issued my Geek license.
Geek Resolutions
Well, it’s a new year and social norms demand that everyone start at least one resolution for the year. The sad truth is only 9% of people see their resolutions through to the end of the year. 23% quit in the first week. This according to an article on...
Christmas Geek
I love Geeking out over Christmas. Not because of the cool Geek gifts I hope to get but because it is such a wonderful time of year. There is so much to celebrate at this time of year. There’s, of course, Christmas, but also Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and several other...
Presents for Geeks
Across all genres geeks of all kinds have one thing in common, they love to collect. There is a lot of pride that comes with a geek’s collection and some coveting when it comes to other geek’s memorabilia. A geek’s collection is something you want to concentrate on...
Two Different Vampires Both Awesome
Interview With The Vampire and Reginald the Vampire, two stories about newly turned and how they’re dealing with the new changes. Based on the first couple of episodes of both shows, Louise and Reginald have some similar powers, such as super speed and super strength....
Geek Love
Love is a powerful and strange thing. Every human across the planet has pursued love in one form or another. Spiritually, we do not feel complete unless we love someone or something and receive love in return. Physically, our bodies exude chemicals similar to a...