Wake me up when September ends Publisher 2k Games has announced via Twitter that the upcoming Mafia 3 will release later this year on October 7. The game takes place in 1968 New Bordeaux, a reimagined version of New Orleans, and revolves around Lincoln Clay, an orphan...
Jeff Gordon
After 4 days, DARK SOULS 3 sells over 520,000 units on STEAM alone
It looks like a lot of people are gluttons for punishment. The third game in developer FromSoftware's action-rpg Dark Souls series has surpassed 520,000 units sold just on the Steam marketplace. This piece of information comes Steam Spy and was brought to light by...
GWW Indie Interview – Dire Nerd Studios announces new game!
I recently had the opportunity to interview Cory and Nick from Dire Studios Studios about their development studio and upcoming game Gotta Go! As they put it, Dire Nerd Studios is "two coders and a business guy. 80 years of collective nerd culture immersion. A passion...
Gears of War 4 Trailer Arrives and Sheds Light on the game’s story
Let the gears of excitement turn... The trailer for Gears of War 4 released over the weekend and although no gameplay is shown, we definitely have an idea of the heart and story behind this title, developed by The Coalition. The game's website offers a few details on...
Rocket League dev reveals that Xbox One / PS4 cross play has been “Figured Out”
"We've got it figured out." In an interview with Gamespot, Psyonix vice president Jeremy Dunham explained it already has the technological solution to supporting cross-network multiplayer between the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 communities. So what's the hold up?...
‘Life Goes ON’ will join GWW on Indie Dev Day!
On Saturday, MARCH 12, Geeks World Wide will assemble some of the most talented and interesting Indie developers to showcase their games on our Twitch channel. Over 5 hours we’ll be presenting 5 different games from Indie Devs across the globe! Each game is very...
‘Death’s Gambit’ comes to INDIE DEV DAY!
On Saturday, MARCH 12, Geeks World Wide will assemble some of the most talented and interesting Indie developers to showcase their games on our Twitch channel. Over 5 hours we’ll be presenting 5 different games from Indie Devs across the globe! Each game is very...
GWW Celebrates Our Favorite Females of Video Games
Today we at Geeks World Wide are celebrating International Women's Day by highlighting the female video game characters or women in the video game industry that, in our minds, stand above the rest. Be sure to tells us who comes to your mind! JEDI, PIRATE, ASSASSIN:...
“The Perfectionist” | A perfect mixture of many genres (Preview)
What's worse than living a life of crime as a thug on the city streets? Well, it would probably be a scenario in which you're captured and taken to the secret lab facility of a twisted professor. In The Perfectionist from developer JADGames, you find yourself in that...
“No Man’s Sky” (PS4) gets a RELEASE DATE!
Explore the universe on June 21st. We've been waiting for confirmation, for a while now, of when indie developer Hello Games' No Man's Sky would be making its way to PS4. Thanks to a PlayStation Blog post from Hello Games' Managing Director Sean Murray, we now know...