Brad Bell

Cities Not World’s Collide in “Convergence #0”

Convergence #0 DC Comics Written by: Jeff King Art by: Ethan Van Sciver  No it was not an April Fools Joke that DC just like Marvel does have  their own  multi-verse colliding event to compete with Marvel’s  Secret  Wars. The  event that will be the end of the New 52...

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The Flash Reverse – Episode 17: Tricksters (Spoilers)

Originally aired: March 31st 2015 The Trick of WELLSness After the most lackluster output of the series in last week’s episode “Rogue Time”, the Flash got back up to speed with the episode “Tricksters”. This episode had been eagerly anticipated by fans of the show for...

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GWW House of Cards Season 3 (Spoilercast)

Brad and C.K. from Geeks With Wives sit down and talk House of Cards Season 3 in this Spoilercast Special! They go over each episode, each character and really try and get down into the meat of why they like the show. This podcast is nothing but House of Cards! Check...

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The Flash Reverse – Episode 16: Rogue Time (Spoilers)

After delivering to audiences an episode that pushed the boundaries of superhero television last week in “Out of time”, you had to figure that this weeks episode of The Flash would struggle to keep pace. Slowed down by tons of expositions and tropes about time travel...

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A Forceful Fan Service a “Star Wars #3” Review

Star Wars #3 Marvel Written by: Jason Aaron Art by: John Cassaday In Star Wars #3 Jason Aaron and John Cassaday bring their Cymoon1 storyline to a close in a fashion that seems more fitting for a Star Wars film than a comic. Never in this series do you get the feeling...

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Looking Swine! “Spider-Gwen #2” – Review

Spider-Gwen #2 Marvel Written by: Jason Latour Art by: Robbi Rodriguez Color by: Rico Renzi As good as Spider-Gwen #1 was for a debut issue, you had to figure issue #2 would be slight step back. Story wise a lot of the intrigue that derives from Spider-Gwen is the...

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The potential of feminism in comics

Top Five Female Characters That Deserve Their Own Monthly Series Spinning out of the talented Piper Steed’s Feminism in comics article, it feels like the perfect time in the pop culture landscape to propose a list of the top female character in comics that deserve...

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