News Articles

WRWP: May 24th

Time for another round of What R We Playing. This week I have been fully engrossed in two games. The first being a throwback to a simpler time and one of...

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The Present State Of Online Shooters

The operative question is: why is MW2 so stinking hot? The answer is accessibility and, frankly, it’s what your friends are playing. And like the recently diseased Guitar Hero franchise, a time will come when the market has been so flooded that sales cannot outrun costs.

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Sony NGP: A Strategic Gamble

They believe consumers will carry the NGP for casual as well as “hardcore” games. I for one will bet on that. I love Angry Birds. But no serious gamer can be satisfied with casual games. And thus, we must discuss yet another trick up Sony’s sleeve.

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The Best of 2010

2010 was another great year in the video games industry. Matt, Josh and I had two heated debates over the following awards, but we do believe we have a...

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Tis The Season

This time of year always gets to me; the family, the friends, the hot cocoa, the unfailing American consumerism, and of course the awesome deals on Steam....

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Recreating A Classic

Here at Geeks With Wives, we’ve been having fun with an interesting concept: taking an old game and giving it the “next generation” touch. Think about it;...

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iPad Gaming

I'm officially settled on what gaming currently is on the iPad. I've been playing several games over the past 3 months, including board games, Diablo...

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