The long-gestating sort-of sequel ‘Kung Fury 2’ will see the return of Jorma Taccone as Kung Führer, aka Adolf Hitler. He portrayed the role in the...
kung fury Articles
David Sandberg’s ‘Kung Fury 2’ Adds Alexandra Shipp, Replacing Eiza González
The long-gestating follow-up ‘Kung Fury 2’ is now replacing Eiza González ('Baby Driver') with Alexandra Shipp, for unknown reasons. She will play Rey...
David Sandberg’s ‘Kung Fury 2’ Will Begin Filming July 29th in Bulgaria & Germany
The long-gestating follow-up 'Kung Fury 2' will begin filming July 29th in Bulgaria and Germany. They’ll likely be shooting primarily at the Nu Boyana...
UPDATE: ‘Kung Fury 2’ Starring Michael Fassbender Expected Shoot In Bulgaria
Omega Underground has a small production update to share concerning David Sanberg's feature film debut Kung Fury 2 (unlikely will be the final title),...
Michael Fassbender’s ‘Kung Fury 2’ Adds ‘Guns Akimbo’ Cinematographer
Director, writer, and star David Sanberg (not the Shazam! director) from Sweden had a bonkers vision for an 80's sci-fi action parody short film titled...
The Geek Side Podcast #19: Olympic Kung Fury
We have a whole much of exciting things to talk about. Including Trailers from Jessica Jones, Venom, Solo, a Series of Unfortunate Events. We talk the...