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See You At The Crossroads

See You At The Crossroads

During the fabled 90's X-Men era readers would witness a very public execution on a usually private individual. X-cutioner’s Song saw Stryfe nearly successful in achieving the crossover's claim with a head shot intended to send Xavier to his eternal rest. Now with the...

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(A)Rose By Another Name

(A)Rose By Another Name

Do you hear the call? The process of change is inevitable and often unenviable. Is something new emerging or is it merely an illusion; finally revealing what always was there? Can you escape who you are or who you were meant to be? In Aka, from publisher NEOWIZ, your...

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If You Give A Machine A Candle

If You Give A Machine A Candle

The exploration of the emotional well being of robots has been seen in science fiction for much of the genre's existence. With a certain cybernetics cries even making for a memorable cover. Hexware, the newest unit from Image Comics, searches for support after a...

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Physically ‘Channel f ‘-IT

Physically ‘Channel f ‘-IT

As much as retailers push the start, December 1st still seems to mark the beginning of Christmas for most folks. Whilst tracking down that first day's gift for your true love, you may end up on Google. The team responsible for Google's Daily Doodle uses today's doodle...

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Stuffed, with all the trimmings

Stuffed, with all the trimmings

December is definitely the time of year when some people let loose. No doubt a few individuals are loosening their belt buckles; a bit of overindulgence during the holiday meal. Instead of buyer beware, merchants are shouting buyers be here, offering killer deals....

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If At First, Trifox Again

If At First, Trifox Again

Success is tricky; not only to achieve, but even the very definition. Down on the list, past the few about reaching an aim, is an unexpected use of the word. It is in the archaic definition of success where TriFox, from developer Glowfish Interactive, fits best....

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The Price is the Price

The Price is the Price

Worthless. When making a deal, you never want to be the one on the short end of things. But what happens when you have no choice, when you're facing the sale of the century; deal or no deal that deals with your destiny. What becomes worth less? Today's pains or...

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Onboard Battery:  THEGWW Preview Of IDW Series Dead Seas

Onboard Battery: THEGWW Preview Of IDW Series Dead Seas

You hear a lot about people too dim to light a bulb. While others are seen as the light of the world. But, what happens when a soul refuses to leave when the lights go out. TheGWW got a preview of Dead Seas, an upcoming series from IDW Publishing and the story's stage...

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Unhealthy ‘O’ Sessions

Unhealthy ‘O’ Sessions

For some individuals, there are limits to love - while others offer themselves completely. Based upon the crimson pages of Image Comics new series, Lovesick, the measure of what some will do for love is more than 10ccs. But for every fan there will always be a foil....

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