Deron Generally

Daddy Issues Always Lead to Trouble in The Flash #18 Review

Daddy Issues Always Lead to Trouble in The Flash #18 Review

The Flash #18 DC Comics Written by: Joshua Williamson Art by: Jesus Merino Colors by: Chris Sotomayor Letters by: Steve Wands Wally is going to have to make some tough choices and deal with the sins of his past on multiple fronts in this issue. Barry, Iris, Wally and...

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Home Again in Iron Fist 1X01 REVIEW

Home Again in Iron Fist 1X01 REVIEW

Iron Fist Netflix Season 1, Episode 1 'Snow Gives Way' A disheveled young man with no shoes walks into the corporate headquarters of the Rand Corporation claiming to be the long lost son of the company founder. That’s how the inaugural episode of Iron Fist begins....

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Harry Potter Alum will Take Command on Star Trek Discovery

Harry Potter Alum will Take Command on Star Trek Discovery

Casting news keeps coming our way and we continue to do our best to catch it, contextualize it and present it to you dear reader. The latest news that we deemed fit to print (or upload as it were) is the latest casting news from the CBS All-Access series Star Trek:...

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First Photos from the Set of Marvel’s Inhumans

First Photos from the Set of Marvel’s Inhumans

Normally the weekend is relatively slow when it comes to the news in the Geek World, but tonight Twitter was on fire with photos from the set of Inhumans which is currently filing in Hawaii.  Previously, I reported on the revelations of the cast and the word from...

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Marvel’s Inhumans Completes Its Cast

Marvel’s Inhumans Completes Its Cast

ABC and Marvel have completed the cast list for the Inhumans series set to debut this fall.  According to The Hollywood Reporter and Variety, we have our final cast list for the ABC series set to debut in a limited Imax run in September before beginning its run on the...

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A Short List of Some of my Favorite Comic Book Vehicles

A Short List of Some of my Favorite Comic Book Vehicles

There are very few things that gear heads and comic book geeks agree on. There are even fewer things that either camp would admit to having in common with the other. But in the spirit of crossing the invisible line that separates both sides of these particular...

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