Mr. & Mrs. X #
Marvel Comics
Written by: Kelly Thompson
Art by: David Lopez
Colors by: Nayoung Kim
Letters by: Joe Sabino
Mr. & Mrs. X #6 might be Kelly Thompson’s most impressive issue of the series. Primarily because this is clearly a transitional issue teasing things for the next story, but quite a bit still happened, even though there’s so much left to unfold. Too often there are issues where it seems like nothing happens because the writer is trying to get to the next stage in the character’s story.
Thompson didn’t do that in Mr. & Mrs. X #6. Rogue’s concerned about her new powers and how it will impact her marriage. It’ll have some effects, for sure, but what’s a marriage without its challenges? Magneto’s say on the matter is on the money. “(Gambit) is not going anywhere. Talk to him.” Gambit may disappear when it comes time to set up for a party, but he’s certainly not leaving the relationship any time soon. I respect Rogue’s fear surrounding her power and the relationship, but I don’t get why she can’t see Gambit sees past that.
Someone who can’t see past Anna Marie’s problems is Bella Donna Boudreaux, Gambit’s ex-wife. Turns out the Thieves Guild isn’t happy about Remy’s marriage selection for a wife, and that could have residual effect with Bella Donna’s guild. That’s probably the direction Rogue and Gambit’s story heads in next.
Though I wonder, as I’m sure others do, who captured Mr. and Mrs. X at the end of the issue? It could be Bella Donna, which would make sense. Maybe it’s the Thieves Guild. Or maybe it’s someone we’ve already seen in the Mr. & Mrs. X series that also isn’t a big fan of the marriage, and wouldn’t mind mending fences with the Assassins and Thieves Guilds.
I’m talking Deadpool. He wants Rogue. The guilds want Gambit. It’s a perfect marriage! The only flaw in the theory is the speech bubble on the final page that comes from a character not pictured isn’t in yellow, as Deadpool’s speech bubbles typically are. However, they are edged in yellow. It could be Thompson’s way of not spoiling the next issue, while still planting a seed.
Also, I’m not sure where everyone else stands, but I LOVE seeing Rogue and Gambit in their old outfits again. I understand they don’t necessarily fit in this day in age, but who cares? They look AWESOME.
Looking at the art, I love was David Lopez and Nayoung Kim did, particularly with the fight on the room. That’s some of my favorite Gambit action I’ve seen in a while. The best part has to be when Gambit whizzes a card just past Rogue’s face, freeing her to body slam one of the thieves. It would be great to see Kim and Lopez hang around, though it doesn’t seem promising since they’re listed as “guest colorist” and “guest artist,” respectively.
Last little thing on the issue: Hank McCoy is an absolute gem. An inhibitor tennis bracelet that helps minimize Rogue’s headaches is about as thoughtful a wedding gift as anyone could think of.