The next ‘Fantastic Beasts,’ the third installment in the Warner Bros. franchise, will begin filming February 2020. Cast member Dan Fogler, who plays...
february Articles
Blumhouse & Leigh Whannell’s ‘Invisible Man’ Moves Up Two Weeks, Will Now Release February 28, 2020
The upcoming Universal & Blumhouse film ‘The Invisible Man’ will now release February 28, 2020. This move is likely due to the vacated spot left by...
‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ Film Pushed Back 3 Months to February 14, 2020
Paramount's live-action/animated hybrid film adaptation ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ film will now release February 14, 2020. The three-month push out of November...
James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad’ Will Include a ‘Monstrous Femme Fatale’ Character; Filming Wraps February 2020
The Warner Bros. sort-of sequel to ‘Suicide Squad’ will have a monstrous femme fatale character. The description states she is a surly, creature-like,...
I Like Comic-Con Takes Off in Vancouver, Washington
If not for comics we wouldn’t be enjoying the myriad of comic book based movies, television shows, cartoons, swag, or comic cons for that matter. Can you...
February’s Powered Geek Box Review
After last month's lack luster Powered Geek Box time has the power to fix everything. Time travel has long been a preferred genre of geek culture and...