Animal Crossing: New Leaf released for the Nintendo 3DS back in June
games Articles
Review: The Last of Us
While The Last of Us has a better story, a better setting, and better characters than pretty much anything that’s come out of Hollywood in the last...
GCW-Zero at PAX East
Justin and the guys at GCW will be at PAX East in Boston. PAX runs March 22-24.
GCW-Zero Update
I asked, I nearly begged, and we all received: the Zero will support DOS Box! Check out these videos with DOS Box in action: DOS Box Unveil 1 DOS Box...
PS4 VS Xbox – FIGHT!
Whoa calm down, the fight hasn't begun yet but soon in the coming months it will be, yes another showdown and console war generation is about to begin, or...
GCW-Zero Kickstarted!
At the time we recorded Episode 67 of the GWW Podcast, CEO Justin Barwick's new device was under-achieving. Now, 7 days later, it's more than $25K over it...
Obama to study: Video Game Violence
As per our discussion a few weeks ago in our 65th podcast, I was surprised to see this news break recently regarding the same issue. Of course as...
GCW Zero
Geeks, If you haven't yet, please back the GCW-Zero on Kickstarter. We will have an interview with CEO Justin Barwick on the show this Friday. It's an...
Preview into the Titans of Old… or at least 2 of them!
After the holidays I've begun my search for games I want to read up on, experience pre-release and aim to buy said games when they hit shelves and so far...
Review: X-COM: Enemy Unknown
There is a brilliance to classic strategy games like Checkers, Mancala and Chess. They are confined, simple to understand, yet each player's moves creates...
Review: Open Pandora
Episode 63 of the Geeks With Wives Podcast will feature an exclusive interview with Mark Linkhorst, president/owner of a shop dedicated to the...
New Look For the Playstation Store
Having finally been able to look at the Playstation store for the first time in January (when I plugged in my PS3 for the first time), I liked what I saw....