Now that Gotham by Gaslight is out on Home Video WB has turned their attention to the next film in the line of DC direct to home video original film's:...

Now that Gotham by Gaslight is out on Home Video WB has turned their attention to the next film in the line of DC direct to home video original film's:...
The Flash #40 DC Comics Written by Joshua Williamson Art by Carmine Di Giandomenica Colors: Ivan Plascencia Letters: Steve Wands Release date: 2/14/18...
The Flash CW Season 3 Episode 14, "Attack on Central City Review" SPOILERS AHEAD!! I enjoy The Flash quite a bit, I really love Grodd and what they've...
The Flash CW Season 3 Episode 13 "Attack on Gorilla City" SPOILER WARNING!! When we last left our team, Jesse appeared in STAR Labs informing everyone...
[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&inverse=false&auto_play=true&show_user=true" width="100%"...
“You’re not father. Father don’t ask. Father Take,” yells Gorilla Grodd (voice, David Sobolov). The Flash, episode seven, Gorilla Warfare, should have...
Originally aired May 5th 2015 In Grodd we trust! That should be the motto of Flash fans moving forward. As good as season one of the Flash has been the...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.